I've spent the last 25+ years in the traditional franchise industry. First as an employee then as a manager/trainer and finally as an owner.
I've been involved with both successful and unsuccessful franchises. What always amazes me is that two people with the same resources - capital, systems, training, support, etc. - can have totally different results. I've seen people with hardly any capital succeed and others with loads of cash fail. The keys to success were always following the system, attending and implementing the training and taking advantage of the support system.
When I first looked at the UnFranchise® Business Plan, I realized that if I just put forth some effort and follow this proven system and training, I could create a life-long, residual income. Unlike other businesses I've been involved with, I'm not limited to just one product or service. My Preferred Customers have access to thousands of them.
As an UnFranchise® owner, I get to help my customers and business partners find what they need. I get a proven system, effective training and the support of a team of successful business partners. Best of all...no more royalties, territory restrictions or franchise fees!
That's why I'm UnFranchised!