Tuesday, August 12

Could This Be The Key To Your Success?

"Success is a state of mind. If you want success, start thinking of yourself as a success." – Dr. Joyce Brothers
Have you ever noticed that some people seem to attract success like a magnet?  While others can’t catch a break no matter how hard they seem to try?

Few places is this more prevalent than in the online business world. With more than 97% of all business owners never making a dime from their ventures, it seems that lady luck is calling the shots. But maybe there is more to it than random chance.

After all, success rarely happens by accident.

It’s actually true that many of us don't plan to fail, but we fail to plan.

Those who succeed at anything in life – particularly in business - know what they want to achieve. They visualize themselves achieving it and then make it a reality. They have a success mindset that goes beyond just the idea of wanting something; it becomes a part of who they are until they have no choice but to make it a reality.

In the early 20th century, multimillionaire Andrew Carnegie hired Napoleon Hill to study the world's most successful people. Hill spent 20 years interviewing, learning from, and understanding more than 500 of the most successful people to ever live. Among them were the super wealthy Henry Ford, John D. Rockefeller and Thomas Edison.

Using his research, Hill published Think and Grow Rich in 1937. Today it is still one of the most read books of it’s kind. It has stood the test of time because his principles for success can be applied by anyone at any time. In fact, many of his ideas have since been substantiated through scientific studies. One of which is the idea that people possess the power to think their way to success.

Key in Hill's research was the discovery that successful people think differently.

They have adopted a set of beliefs that enable them to be successful.

Research now shows what the world’s most successful people have always known. If you want to succeed you have to believe you will succeed. Believe that failure is not an option and it won’t be.

So, how can you develop your own success mindset?

The best place to start is to stop listening to the little voice in your head that says, “No you can’t”. Instead believe that you can do anything you put your mind to. Visualize yourself already having the thing you most desire and live your life as though it’s inevitable that you’ll eventually get there.

Use this powerful technique in your own life and you’re sure to be rewarded personally and professionally. Get started today and you’ll be amazed how quickly your “luck“ changes!

"Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieve."- Napoleon Hill

Saturday, August 17

Differentiate or Die - 3 Keys to Eclipse Your Competition

To be honest, there are very few ways to really differentiate yourself from your competition.  You make a great product, so do they.  You provide top-notch customer service, they do too.  Worse yet, there’s probably a competitor out there that already plays a bigger and better game than you.

So what can you do about it?  Well, here are three keys you can start applying immediately to differentiate and separate yourself from the pack:

Positioning.  Let’s face it.  People want to be associated with and buy from those they believe are the best.  Back in the early computer days, there was a saying that nobody ever got fired for buying an IBM.  IBM was believed by most to be the best personal computer available.  Were they?  Maybe.  However, they were the perceived expert.  Gaining this credibility in your field without a doubt tilts the scales in your favor.  This is one of the greatest ways to magnetize your business and lead you on a path to creating raving fans.

Relationship Building.  Consistently stay in tune with and in front of your desired audience - not hard selling, but relationship building.  When you truly and genuinely have their best interest at heart, and believe me, they can sense it, you lay the foundation for an insurmountable bond to be formed between you.  Remember, people buy from people, not, companies.

The 180° Marketing Method™.  The crux of this methodology is simply to look at what your competition is doing and do something else.  Dare to be different.  The best way to successfully pull this off is to look into other industries and pioneer their successful marketing ideas and techniques in your industry.  I hate to be the one to tell you but, most marketing ideas and techniques have already been done somewhere by someone.  So why try to reinvent the wheel.  I’m not saying plagiarize here.  I’m simply saying learn from the success others have had before you – especially by leveraging ideas and techniques that are new to your industry.

There’s a great quote floating around that’s attributed to both Zig Ziglar and Dr. Kenneth McFarland that goes something like this: “There are no traffic jams when you go the extra mile."  Applying these 3 keys will definitely get you traveling along that extra mile.

So while most businesses are out there like lemmings playing follow-the-follower, I challenge you to step it up and dare to be different.  Be a leader and take the road less traveled and I guarantee people will stop and take notice.

Monday, July 30

Reduce Stress: Don't Sweat The Small Stuff

Do you sweat the small stuff? Do you find stress has increased in your life due to work, relationships of financial issues? Are you searching for relief?

Stress is known to be a major factor for poor heart conditions, strokes, and it can weaken your immune system. We live in a fast-paced world today and it causes a lot of stress in our lives. As young people, we didn't think about our later years. As time goes on, stress will affect us more and can be reflected physically, mentally and emotionally.

Aging for most of us is not something we look forward to. Life can go on for many years, so we all need to learn how to reduce stress and take care of ourselves so we can make it to those Golden Years. Now don't get me wrong...there will always be some stress in your life that you will not have control of. But doctors tell us that learning how to manage stress will keep us thinking, moving and help prevent major illnesses.

We all need to work at keeping ourselves stress-free and there is no better time than right now.
Here are a few options for getting started:

Join an exercise group or get some neighbors to join you for a walk. Walk on sunny days so your body gets natural vitamin D from the sun. The vitamins will help keep your bones strong. Exercising helps keep us fit and is a good way to meet new people while having fun.

Watch your diet. Is your cholesterol too high? Are you maintaining a proper diet? Some of us respond to stress by eating more. That's not a good plan. You can consult your physician and he or she can help you come up with a plan or send you to a dietician.

Start taking Vitamins and Supplements. Sometimes as we grow older, we don’t eat as much or we don't eat properly. Let's face it - how often do you eat five servings of fruits and vegatables a day? Vitamins and supplements can help fill that void by supplying what your body needs every day.

We all live different lifestyles, so make your life your own by staying healthy and avoid sweating the small stuff. Making sound decisions is a great start to living stress-free, which promotes healthy aging.

Not sure which vitamins and supplements are right for you? Get Your Free Customized Nutri-Physical Here!

Sunday, July 8

Drink Your Vitamins To Combat Free Radicals

Isotonix OPC-3®

A key ingredient to improving your lifestyle and living a healthy life is antioxidants. Nutritional supplements are meant to supplement your diet and can be found in many forms, including liquids, powders, tablets and capsules. They can also be extracts or concentrates and include herbs, botanicals, amino acids, vitamins and minerals.

In everyday life, our bodies generate free radicals. Normally, the body can handle free radicals, but if antioxidants are unavailable, or if the free radical production becomes excessive, cellular damage can occur. Free radicals are the major cause of aging and declined health. Antioxidants bind with these free radicals, rendering them powerless to help you maintain optimal health.

Cell Protection

There are several benefits to taking in more antioxidants through food and supplements, the first being cell protection. Antioxidants can help to protect your cells from damage, which helps to fend off diseases. With the typical American diet, we can have a lack of vitamins in our bodies, which will cause us to recover from disease or injury very slowly. Isotonix Line offers the fastest and most efficient absorption of all oral forms of nutritional supplementation. Faster and more efficient absorption into the bloodstream increases the value of taking nutritional supplements.

Primary Benefits of Isotonix OPC-3®*:
Combats free radicals
Demonstrates anti-inflammatory activity
Helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels
Helps maintain healthy circulation by strengthening capillaries, arteries and veins
Helps maintain joint flexibility
Helps promote cardiovascular health
Helps reduce mild menstrual cramping and abdominal pain
Helps support visual health/visual acuity
Potent free radical scavenger
Promotes healthy blood vessel dilation
Promotes healthy nitric oxide levels
Supports a healthy complexion
Supports healthy blood glucose levels
Supports healthy platelet activity
Supports healthy sperm quality
Promotes sinus comfort

Taken properly, vitamins and supplements are an excellent way to help your body maintain what it needs to be healthy. Although a nutrient-rich diet and regular exercise are extremely important for overall health, nutritional supplements can serve to replenish the body and promote your immune system.

(*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.)

Thursday, May 19

Why UnFranchised?

I've spent the last 25+ years in the traditional franchise industry. First as an employee then as a manager/trainer and finally as an owner.

I've been involved with both successful and unsuccessful franchises. What always amazes me is that two people with the same resources -  capital, systems, training, support, etc. - can have totally different results. I've seen people with hardly any capital succeed and others with loads of cash fail. The keys to success were always following the system, attending and implementing the training and taking advantage of the support system.
When I first looked at the UnFranchise® Business Plan, I realized that if I just put forth some effort and follow this proven system and training, I could create a life-long, residual income. Unlike other businesses I've been involved with, I'm not limited to just one product or service. My Preferred Customers have access to thousands of them.

As an UnFranchise® owner, I get to help my customers and business partners find what they need. I get a proven system, effective training and the support of a team of successful business partners. Best of all...no more royalties, territory restrictions or franchise fees!
That's why I'm UnFranchised!